Mothers of Enterprise® exists to support mothers wanting to build and develop a successful business and create the lifestyle they desire and deserve.
The what...
Mothers of Enterprise® is a place where women in all stages of business, can come to for guidance, inspiration, motivation, wisdom and community.
A place where you can find the tools to build your dream business with all the guesswork and overwhelm taken out.
Where all the ‘fluff’ is removed so you can get to the nitty-gritty actionable good bits without having to spend all of your kids’ sacred nap time reading one article.
MoE is here to educate and empower mothers all over the world through world-class coaching and mentoring, online courses, Success Masterclasses, quality downloads, free resources and our thriving online community The Mothers of Enterprise Society.
The who...
MoE is the 4th business created by me, Suzy Olivier (if you fancy you can learn more about my business history here). I've been blessed to carry the title of being a "national award-winning serial entrepreneur" and to say I've never been so passionately obsessed by a business like I am with MoE, is an understatement.
My mission is to help mothers build their confidence, knowledge, expertise and develop their business for ultimate success, all whilst raising a family.
I've enjoyed well over a decade as an entrepreneur with extensive experience in service, location, digital, and physical product-based businesses. If you'd like to learn more about my story and how this business was born, you can do so here.
The why...
I wanted to build a place that spoke to specifically to mothers. That spoke in a way that our (occasionally/often) frazzled, exhausted, overwhelmed brains can assimilate without being draining, and create content that we can easily fit into our already busy lives.
I wanted to provide valuable actionable information, not bulked up with unnecessary filler content.
Building a business is hard, doing it when you’re a mother is a whole new challenge, and MoE has been created to make the journey as enjoyable and successful as possible.
My vow to you...
I promise to only provide the HIGHEST quality of content
I promise to make things as direct and to the point as possible
I promise to put YOU at the centre of our business and all that I do
I promise to serve you and your business aspirations in the best way I can
I promise to enjoy a glass of red wine every Friday evening to toast and celebrate us all making it through another week combining two of the hardest titles 'mother' and 'business owner'
I passionately believe that we’re on this earth to do good, spread love and kindness and make a positive impact. That’s why everything I do here at MoE has this passion driving it. With every purchase of my coaching programmes or courses, I promise to donate 10% of sales to our chosen charity the Pebbles Project in South Africa.
I had the pleasure of visiting this amazing charity, you can watch my mini vlog here.
If the above resonated with you and you're on this amazing journey of combining motherhood with business, I very sincerely hope that this is just the beginning of our relationship and I'd love to stay in touch and learn more about you. The best way to for us do to that is to join the Weekly MoEjo email series which you can do so right here.